28th April

Apprentice Harry braves shave for LOROS


A massive shout out to Harry, who is an apprentice at Interserve.

As part of their Charity of the Year (COTY) involvement, Harry decided to have his head shaved as a personal commitment to LOROS.

After growing his hair for six months he raised a very impressive £700 before having it all shaved off today (26th Apri 2019).

The event was supported by Harry’s colleagues, Elaine Godber from LOROS who took along the LOROS 'I Experience VR' and Lindsey who went along to introduce the LOROS Lotteries scheme.

Thank you to everyone at Interserve for their wonderful support to Harry and especially to Harry himself who is an amazing sport!

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator