22nd August

Year long partnership raises £6,000 for LOROS


Our year-long partnership with PCC Airfoils/AETC came to an end recently and Magdalena Korytkowska, our Partnership Development Lead, paid a visit to the firm to thank them for choosing LOROS as their Charity of the Year (COTY).

Magda said: "It was lovely to meet with Dawn and her colleagues who, amongst other fundraising activities, completed two bike ride challenges for LOROS.

"I thoroughly enjoyed listening to their exploits and how sharing this challenge with their friends from work really helped them to support each other.

"One of the team members, who was finding it difficult, particularly on the hills, said that thinking about the families they would be helping gave her the drive to get through and they all felt a fantastic sense of accomplishment when they reached the finish line."

The cycling challenges undertaken during the year were the Morecambe to Bridlington and The Way of the Roses. A big thank you to AETC's Trevor Cooke for organising both of these - that was a challenge in itself!

On the 5th and 12th July two BBQ events took place for the company’s employees in Leicester and Leeds with raffles in aid of LOROS and Wheatfield’s (a hospice in West Yorkshire). Between their two sites, they raised just over £6,200 which was split between the two charities.

In addition to their fundraising challenges the firm also hosted one of our Donation Stations which raised an estimated £1,200.

Magda added: "Altogether our partnership with PCC Airfoils/AETC has realised more than £6.000 which will help us to continue to provide free, high-quality, compassionate care and support to terminally ill adult patients, their family and carers.

"We are truly grateful for all their hard work and commitment to LOROS. We have thoroughly enjoyed working together with everyone and I hope that we will be able to do so again in the future."

If you would like to know more about the many benefits available to your company when you choose to partner LOROS, please contact our Partnership Development team on (0116) 231 8431 or contact us by email

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator