26th April

Firm raises more than £20k for LOROS


As always, Price Waterhouse Cooper excelled themselves at a wonderfully entertaining evening in aid of LOROS.

The Quiz Master, Simon White from PwC, went an extra mile this year making the quiz even more enjoyable than ever before!

It was their 5th quiz night for LOROS and we celebrated this by inviting a very special guest.  David Needham, an MND (Motor Neurone Disease) patient at LOROS, came to share his story about his Three Peaks Challenge and how LOROS makes such a difference to people in the same situation as he and his loved ones are. It was a very inspiring and personal talk which made an impact on everyone there.

The businesses taking part were: Eversheds, Freeths, Gateley, HSBC, LDC, Leicester Tigers, Lloyds, Pedigree Filbert, Shakespeare Martineau and Spearing Waite with Leicester Tigers taking the lead and winning the quiz.

The event has raised £1,455 from entry fees and a raffle, which is going to be matched by PwC and will bring their total for the last 5 years to more than £20k!

Our massive thanks go to Simon, Jules and the PwC team who worked very hard to organise the event. We are very grateful for their continued support and we are already looking forward to next year's event.

For more information on how your business can support LOROS click here

Photographs courtesy of Rod Fitzpatrick 

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator