1st February

Jazzbash raises £650 for the Hospice


The 14th annual Jazzbash, held in memory of Dave Rae, took place on Sunday 21st January 2018.

Abi Jarrom, Community Fundraising Co-ordinator and Andy Williamson, LOROS Ambassador both attended this popular event which raised money for both LOROS and Prostaid.

Abi said: "Everyone involved in this very popular and well-supported fundraiser work really hard each year to make it so successful; the Jazzbash is a true case of a group of people coming together to raise funds in memory of Dave.

"I was delighted to attend the cheque presentation on at the Donkey, Leicester and to accept their very generous cheque for £650 on behalf of LOROS.

"Thank you to everyone who organises, helped or attended the event - your support is very much appreciated by everyone here at LOROS."

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator