The annual Swithland Flower and Vegetable Show raised more than £5,700 for local charities which included LOROS.
Our first ever Frock and Fizz event. held during Hospice week, was a great success, raising more than £1,800 for LOROS.
Runners are putting in their last training sessions and organisers are making the final preparations ahead of the Leicester Marathon next weekend.
Two teams of volunteers from Global Payments in Leicester recently spent the day helping sort out donated articles at the LOROS Warehouse.
BHS Leicester branch invited a LOROS representative to open their new food hall as LOROS has been selected as their charity of the year.
Teenage cousins Reanna and Vyom Mehta survived on a diet of nothing but boiled water on their nine-day religious fast and donated the £1,500 "blessings" money given by family, friends and supporters to LOROS.
Next week sees the debut of the Keythorpe Festive Fayre, a brand new and exciting event in Leicestershire. Bring your friends and family and enjoy an exclusive indoor shopping experience at Keythorpe Manor for two fantastic charities.
We need your help with marshalling, looking after water points, handing out goody bags on the finish line, set up and much more at this year's Leicester Marathon on Sunday 25th October 2015.