The entire team of Ward nurses at LOROS Hospice have been awarded a prestigious Cavell Star for their exceptional care of patients during the Covid crisis.
I wanted to support the winter raffle 2020 not only due to the pandemic, but because I know how well LOROS care for people.
Market Harborough businesswoman, Jen Parker, has conquered her fear of heights to abseil down an 80ft bridge to raise funds for LOROS in memory of her beloved mum.
LOROS Hospice nurses and doctors are here every day making a difference, despite the lockdown restrictions that have affected Leicester for more than six months.
LOROS Hospice was established by supporters and 35 years on, it’s still at the heart of its community, say families of patients, volunteers and staff.
LOROS Hospice is urgently seeking volunteers to help with the phased reopening of its 29 shops across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.