Sisters pledge to raise thousands for LOROS in tribute to their ‘beautiful girl’


18 Jan 2024

Louise Gleadell, from Sileby, was just 38 with three young sons when she was admitted to LOROS Hospice with terminal cervical cancer.

Now, sisters Clare and Laura are supporting the hospice which cared for her in her final weeks.

Clare said: “LOROS was everything and more than we ever expected.  The support they gave to us all, and the care Louise received, was incomparable.

“They made that heart-breaking time that little bit easier to bear. We were allowed to stay by her side, day and night.

“The sons were able to visit too, and we weren’t made to feel uncomfortable or awkward about them making noise. Jude, her baby, was only two years old at this point, and didn’t sit still for a minute.

Laura added: “When Louise died, she was surrounded by us all, free from pain. We were able to stay with her for a while, which we needed to do, before saying goodbye.”

Clare and Laura are supporting the LOROS Winter Warmer Raffle, where for £1 you can be in with a chance of winning £8,000 as well as helping LOROS care for patients and their families.

The sisters hope to raise thousands in raffle ticket sales to help families who have had similar experiences.

Clare said: “As a family we couldn’t have imagined for Louise being cared for anywhere else. The way they supported her and allowed us and our family to be with her in the last 12 days of her life was amazing. I honestly can’t imagine what we would have done without them.”

The Winter Warmer Raffle closes on Sunday 4th February. Visit for more details.  

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