East Midlands Ambulance Service take the leap of a lifetime for LOROS Hospice


8 Feb 2022

A daring team of four East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) colleagues have joined forces to raise funds for LOROS Hospice at this year’s annual LOROS skydive.

Motivated by both their experiences through the ambulance service and personal connections to LOROS, the team have pledged to raise a minimum of £400 each in sponsorship for the charity.

The EMAS team will take to the skies on Sunday 27th March 2022 at Sibson Airfield, each jumping from heights of 13,000 feet and reaching exhilarating speeds of over 140mph.

Hugo Cheverton is a clinician working on the ambulances at EMAS and is a regular supporter of LOROS.

“I love the team of people who get involved in LOROS events, they’re always diverse and a barrel of laughs! This year, I thought I’d go one step further and challenge myself with the skydive. I’m petrified but I know it’ll be worth it.”

After signing up, Hugo decided to rally up colleagues to take the leap of a lifetime too.

“Everyone knows how stretched resources are at the moment. Anything we can do to help patients in our community get the care they need and deserve is right up our street, that's what gets us out of bed every day.

Hugo Cheverton was the first to sign up to the jump

“I know LOROS for providing gold standards of care, and as emergency staff we quite regularly either send patients there or ask for advice on palliative care matters. It’s great to be able to give back in some way.”

Fellow technician and soon-to-be student paramedic Megan Herbert was the first to join Hugo in soaring through the sky.

She said: “I’ve been able to witness the compassion and level of care LOROS give to all patients through my work and on a first-hand family basis. This really is a perfect event to support the Hospice and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.

 “When Hugo shared the event with us on the work group, I had to sign up. LOROS means a lot to me and my family. Since I was little, I always remember my parents donating regularly. More recently, LOROS became even closer to our hearts as they cared for my great uncle in his final days.

 “We are so fortunate to have LOROS, it really is one in a million!”

Alongside Hugo and Megan, Tamzin Finn and Abigail Pickard will be joining their colleagues in this heart-racing challenge. Over 20 daring individuals will be taking the plunge for LOROS on 27th March, if you’d like to join them then find out more at loros.co.uk/jump.

Join Team EMAS on Sunday 27th March

The challenge will raise much-needed funds for LOROS to enable the local charity to run their 31-bed Inpatient Ward and facilitate their nurse led Day Therapy unit. LOROS provide specialist care to over 2,500 terminally ill patients and their families each year and largely relies on the generosity of the community to fund the services provided.

You can donate to support EMAS in their jump here: justgiving.com/campaign/jumploros

Do something amazing for LOROS Hospice this year and discover an exciting programme of fundraising events here: loros.co.uk/events

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