Local Loughborough singer RONOC, aka Conor Dawson, continues to support LOROS by performing live gigs at the Beaumont Shopping Centre last weekend.
He sang at several 30 minute sessions on Friday evening and during the day on Sunday; scores of people stopped to listen and many of the children took the opportunity to let off some steam and have a little dance. Two very talented children, Shaïny and Ujwal, were coaxed up on stage to sing and performanced brilliantly.
Andrew Ward, Fundraising Co-ordinator for challenge events, said: "Conor raised around £300 for LOROS over the weekend which could pay for 12 hours of care for one of our inpatients. This is a wonderful achievement and LOROS is very grateful for his support."
"Conor has recently released a single in aid of three local charities, LOROS, PACE and Rainbows which can be downloaded from here
"The more downloads he can get the more funds he will raise so please help him to make a difference to the people who need the services of our local charities."