HRG Leicester Branch are one of our participants in the 2015 LOROS Accumulator Challenge. They have asked their staff to make as much money as possible from their £50 by being creative. Basically, as long as its legal and ethical - anything goes!
Tracey Boreham, one of their employees is doing her bit to grow their £50 by running against her daughter for one metre for every £1 donation she receives.
Tracey said "My eight year old daughter is a member of the local athletics club and is a district runner, so I need to save face and try to beat her." She has promised to produce photographic evidence for any doubters amongst her colleagues!
Magdalena Korytkowska, Fundraising Co-ordinator at LOROS said: “It never fails to amaze me how inventive people are when it comes to raising funds for LOROS. The Accumulator Challenge has certainly proved to be a vehicle for some unusual and different means of growing their £50s.
"I have no doubt that Tracey will complete her challenge, but I will look forward to seeing some of her photographs. I wish her, and her daughter, the very best of luck"
If you would like to help (or challenge Tracey to run even further) please visit her JustGiving page.