Friday at Galliford Try turned out to be a great success


23 Oct 2014

On Friday, 17th October, Galliford Try, one of the UK’s largest construction contractors, based near Hinckley, organised a fundraising day between the Building and Partnerships divisions to raise money for LOROS.

Nicole Hill from Galliford Try said: “A few times a year I organise a fundraising day in the office to raise money for a worthy cause. This time round I decided that it would be a good idea if members of staff put their suggestions forward for a charity we could raise money for, that meant something to them and was close to their hearts. LOROS was suggested by a couple of members of staff and was picked out of the hat as our winner.”

Galliford Try held various activities in their office. Over 500 raffle tickets were sold during the day. Employees also did a “dress down” Friday and even held a Great British Bake Off competition, which is showcased in the pictures.

Everyone was very supportive and Friday turned out to be a great success. Galliford Try managed to raise a grand total of £604 and had a lot of fun in the process. This amount is equivalent to the LOROS Community Nurse Specialist visiting six patients at their homes or to twelve specialist complementary therapy sessions for our patients or the members of their family. It is just an example to show what an amazing difference Galliford Try has made to LOROS.

Alex Gamble, Partnership Development Executive at LOROS said: “We would like to say a massive thank you to Galliford Try for selecting us and raising money to support 2,500 terminally ill patients and their families from Leicestershire and Rutland we look after each year. We look forward to working alongside Galliford Try in the future and we hope to build the mutually beneficial partnership with them. Thank you to Nicole Hill for her hard work with organising this event. Well done to her and all at Galliford Try!”

If you need our hand whilst organising an event in aid of LOROS please do not hesitate to contact the LOROS Fundraising Department on 01162318431/2 or

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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