Imperial Corporate Events staff parties raise £1,000 for LOROS


19 Oct 2014

At the end of each quarter Imperial Corporate Events holds a staff party for their employees to thank them for their hard work; these are always very popular, especially as a free bar and food are provided.

At the end of the last two quarters the Company decided to incorporate a fundraising initiative in order to raise money for LOROS, a charity which is close to many of the employee’s hearts. Two of their employees, Emma Harrod and Jess Hutchins, did a brilliant job in taking on the challenge of organising the parties and coming up with fun initiatives to raise money for LOROS. Their fundraisng activities included auctioning off the Directors and Managers as slaves for the day and bidding to "custard pie" the Directors, both of which were extremely popular with the employees! They also charged an entry fee to the party.

Altogether they raised a magificent £1,000 which is the equivalent of paying for a LOROS Community Nurse Specialist to visit ten patients in their homes - Imperial Corporate Events team have truly made a difference to our patients!

Representatives from Imperial Corporate Events came along to visit the Hospice and present their cheque on Tuesday 14th October.

Alex Gamble, Partnership Development Executive at LOROS said: “Well done to everyone at Imperial Corporate Events and many thanks for visiting the LOROS Hospice. We are very grateful that you decided to share your fun with us by donating the money raised from your staff parties to LOROS. We hope that your future parties will bring a lot of joy and we look forward to hearing more about your crazy fundraising initiatives. Thank you so much for thinking about LOROS and for making a difference to our 2,500 patients and their families.”

If you would like to add the “feel good” factor and raise money for your local Hospice please contact the LOROS Fundraising Department on 01162319831/2

We will be more than happy to share our experience and provide you with a few tips.

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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