By Harborough Mail) | Posted 21 August, 2012
A GROUP of generous Lutterworth fundraisers announced a successful year collecting money for charity at their recent presidential changeover meeting.
Doreen Haynes, the former president of Lutterworth Inner Wheel club, announced she had raised a total of £1,600 for her chosen charity – Arthritis in Young People – during her year in the club’s top job.
The money was raised through a number of events, including a summer barbecue and a coffee morning, table top sale and raffle was held at Lutterworth Town Hall.
Incoming president Jill Tallis announced she would be supporting the Leicestershire hospice charity LOROS during her year in office.
She said she was looking forward to organising a number of small, fun events to raise money during the forthcoming year.
Her vice-president for the year will be Sue Staples.
Lutterworth inner Wheel Club meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Greyhound Coaching Inn in Lutterworth, at 12.30pm.